Yu-Gi-Oh! Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck


SKU: BGYU0000221N

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‌‌‌‌В Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game играчите трябва да конструират тесте от 40 или повече от най-добрите карти, които успеят да съберат, след което да го използват, за да се изправят срещу противниците си в игра на стратегия, късмет и умения

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ПЦД: 29,90 лв.

Special Price 25,99 лв. -13%

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Описание на играта:

Yu-Gi-Oh! Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck включва: 5 Ultra Rare карти; 3 Super Rare карти; 42 Common карти; 1 Secret Rare картa (второ копие на една от следните три карти: Maiden of White, Wishes for Eyes of Blue или Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon), с малък шанс да бъде Quarter Century Secret Rare вместо Secret Rare. ‌‌‌‌В Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game играчите

1 2 Konami
Yu-Gi-Oh! Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck

ПЦД: 29,90 лв.

Special Price 25,99 лв. -13%

Пълно описание на продукта

Yu-Gi-Oh! Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck включва:

  • 5 Ultra Rare карти;
  • 3 Super Rare карти;
  • 42 Common карти;
  • 1 Secret Rare картa (второ копие на една от следните три карти: Maiden of White, Wishes for Eyes of Blue или Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon), с малък шанс да бъде Quarter Century Secret Rare вместо Secret Rare.

‌‌‌‌В Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game играчите трябва да конструират тесте от 40 или повече от най-добрите карти, които успеят да съберат, след което да го използват, за да се изправят срещу противниците си в игра на стратегия, късмет и умения

yu-gi-oh-logoИнформация от издателя:

Prepare yourself for the next chapter of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon strategy: The electrifyingly awesome Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck!

This 51-card Deck has everything you need to take your “Blue-Eyes” Deck to its next stage of invincibility.

The all-powerful Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon! This Level 12 Synchro isn’t just a Synchro Monster, it’s a Synchro Monstrosity! Once per turn, this Dragon can negate any effect activated by your opponent on the field. And when it does, it also consumes the negated effect to gain 1000 Attack Points for the turn. But wait – there’s more! It also shields your Graveyard so that your opponent can’t banish any of the cards located there. And in the unlikely event your opponent can overcome its 3500 Attack Points, you can just Summon another LIGHT Dragon monster from your Graveyard – even a Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

A new Synchro needs a new Tuner! Neo Kaiser Sea Horse is a Level 4 Tuner that gives you instant access to the tools you need, by Special Summoning itself from your hand, and adjusting the Level of any Tuner (even itself!) by +/- 1. This gives you maximum flexibility for whatever’s the best monster to Synchro Summon. And it can access your “Blue-Eyes” monsters from your Deck by sending them directly to your Graveyard, for easy revival!

Now check out the latest new Spell Card! Roar of the Blue-Eyed Dragons lets you Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon straight out of your Deck, Graveyard, or banishment. Or, if you already have Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the field, you can Summon any “Blue-Eyes” monster you want, instead! This powerful Spell Card also gives you a bonus Fusion Summon once it’s in the Graveyard.

Maiden of White is another powerful addition to this Deck. Every time this elusive Tuner is targeted (including by your own effects!), you can Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon or any Level 1 LIGHT Tuner from your Graveyard. And whenever you Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon, you can Summon Maiden of White from your Graveyard. And unlike most effects, Maiden of White never banishes herself after using this effect, so you can use it continuously throughout the Duel.

Plus the very first Link Monster for your “Blue-Eyes” Deck, a brand new Xyz Monster, and so much more!

The Deck is packed with the cards that any “Blue-Eyes” Duelist needs for their Deck, like Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon, Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon, and even 3 copies of Sage with Eyes of Blue! It also has incredible cards like Nibiru the Primal Being, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Infinite Impermanence, Effect Veiler, and more!

And since it’s our 25th Anniversary, of course we’re including a little Quarter Century sparkle. In addition to the full 50-card Deck, each Deck will also include a bonus extra card, a 2nd copy of Maiden of White, Wishes for Eyes of Blue, or Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon. All 3 cards are already included in the Deck as Ultra Rares, but you’ll also get a Secret Rare second copy of 1 of those 3 cards. What’s more, there’s a chance of that Secret Rare card upgrading to a Quarter Century Secret Rare, instead!

Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny comes with 51 cards:

  • 5 Ultra Rares
  • 3 Super Rares
  • 42 Commons
  • 1 Secret Rare (a second copy of 1 of 3 of the Ultra Rare cards mentioned above), with a small chance of being Quarter Century Secret Rare instead of Secret Rare.

*set contents subject to change

 Yu-Gi-Oh! Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck

Всички характеристики

Категории Настолни игри и пъзели
Настолни игри
Trading Card Games
Марка Konami
Тема Yu-Gi-Oh! (Ю-Ги-О!)
Вид продукт Игри за двама, Игри с карти
Възраст 6+
Сложност на правилата Лесни (до 10 минути)
Брой играчи 2
Език Английски
Материал Картон
Баркод 4012927189856
Размер на опаковката 13 x 10 x 3 cm
Тегло 0.2 kg


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