Time Shelter


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In Time Shelter, an enigmatic flâneur named Gaustine opens a „clinic for the past' that offers a promising treatment for Alzheimer's sufferers: each floor reproduces a decade in minute detail, transporting patients back in time.

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22,00 лв.
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Time Shelter
Големина на книгата:
304 Pages
Time Shelter
22,00 лв.

Пълно описание на продукта

Книгата е издадена на български език под името „Времеубежище“

„The most exquisite kind of literature... I've put it on a special shelf in my library that I reserve for books that demand to be revisited every now and then.“ – Olga Tokarczuk, author of Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead

„Could not be more timely... It's funny and absurd, but it's also frightening, because even as Gospodinov plays with the idea as fiction, the reader begins to recognise something rather closer to home... A writer of great warmth as well as skill.“ – Guardian

„In equal measure playful and profound, Time Shelter renders the philosophical mesmerizing, and the everyday extraordinary. I loved it.“ – Claire Messud, author of The Woman Upstairs

„A genrebusting novel of ideas... Gospodinov's vision of tomorrow is the nightmare from which Europe knows it must awake. And accident, in combination with the book's own merits, may just have created a classic.“ – The Times

„Gospodinov is one of Europe's most fascinating and irreplaceable novelists, and this his most expansive, soulful and mind-bending book.“ – Dave Eggers, author of The Circle

„Touching and intelligent.“ – New York Times

„A powerful and brilliant novel: clear-sighted, foreboding, enigmatic.“ – Sandro Veronesi, author of The Hummingbird

„An immensely enjoyable book which achieves depth with an affable narrative voice.“ – Irish Times

In Time Shelter, an enigmatic flâneur named Gaustine opens a „clinic for the past' that offers a promising treatment for Alzheimer's sufferers: each floor reproduces a decade in minute detail, transporting patients back in time.

As Gaustine's assistant, the unnamed narrator is tasked with collecting the flotsam and jetsam of the past, from 1960s furniture and 1940s shirt buttons to scents and even afternoon light. But as the rooms become more convincing, an increasing number of healthy people seek out the clinic as a „time shelter', hoping to escape from the horrors of our present - a development that results in an unexpected conundrum when the past begins to invade the present.

Intricately crafted, and eloquently translated by Angela Rodel, Time Shelter cements Georgi Gospodinov's reputation as one of the indispensable writers of our times, a major voice in international literature.

Georgi Gospodinov is one of Europe's most acclaimed writers. Originally from Bulgaria, his novels have won his country's most prestigious literary prize twice and have been shortlisted for more than a dozen international prizes - including the 2015 PEN Literary Award for Translation, the Premio Gregor von Rezzori, the Premio Strega Europeo, the Bruecke Berlin Preis, and the Haus der Kulturen der Welt Literaturpreis. He has won the 2016 Jan Michalski Prize for Literature, the 2019 Angelus Literature Central Europe Prize and the 2021 Premio Strega Europeo, among others.

Всички характеристики

Категории Книги и учебници
Българска литература
Автор Георги Господинов
Издателство W&N
Година 2023
Издание Мека корица
Брой страници 304
Вид продукт Романи
Жанрове Съвременни
Език Английски
Националност Българска
Преводач Angela Rodel
Издание Джобно
Баркод 9781474623070
ISBN 9781474623070
Акценти Препоръчано от нас, #Booktok
Размер на опаковката 20 x 2 x 13 cm
Каталожен номер BKHL16953
Тегло 0.28 kg


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