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As we begin to rethink our relationship with Nature, the unstinting work of Monbiot becomes ever more valuable. He has been at the cutting edge of the discussion for decades, and his extraordinary book covers this complex subject with depth and humour.

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25,00 лв.
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Големина на книгата:
352 Pages
Penguin Books
Екология, Популярна наука
25,00 лв.

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Пълно описание на продукта

This book calls for nothing less than a revolution in the future of food - one that will literally transform the face of the Earth, to make food affordable for all while restoring the living world. Such a vision sounds near impossible, but Monbiot reveals the food pioneers whose extraordinary innovations could bring it within reach. Never shying from controversy, Regenesis weaves the poetry of soil into the politics of farming to shake the ground on which we all grow. This is Monbiot's masterpiece: an urgent and exhilarating journey into remaking what and how we eat

Kate Raworth

Regenesis speaks to us like a poem that begins with a phantasmagoria of that which lies under the soil, offers a magnificent political economy of global food production and concludes with a hopeful vision of a techno-ethical equilibrium between Humanity and Nature. It must be read

Yanis Varoufakis

People from all walks of life should read this remarkable book. It is in my view one of the two or three most important books to appear this century

Prof. Sir David King, former Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK Government

As we begin to rethink our relationship with Nature, the unstinting work of George Monbiot becomes ever more valuable. Monbiot has been at the cutting edge of the discussion for decades, and his extraordinary book covers this complex, evolving subject with depth and breadth, sincerity and humour. I never cease to be surprised by the unexpected perspectives he brings to bear, leading me through problems I never envisaged and solutions I never imagined. We are left with the hope that the solutions might triumph, that we might make it through

Brian Eno

A book offering evidence-based hope is a rare thing in these days of climate and nature emergency - yet that's exactly what George Monbiot has written. Inspiring and compelling, Regenesis sets out a transformative vision of a new food future with the potential to both restore nature and feed the world. Monbiot's blueprint is both wildly ambitious and deeply practical, and might well be our last best hope of stopping the sixth great extinction

Caroline Lucas

This remarkable book, staring curiously down at the soil beneath our feet, points us convincingly in one of the directions we must travel. I learned something on every page

Bill McKibben

George Monbiot clears paths towards solutions that lie dormant within us, which, if embraced, could transform our world and our societies into better places. He reaches for new ideas that might ignite the collective consciousness in a push to protect, rather than tragically destroy, the biosphere. Read George Monbiot and you will meet the cheerful courage and passion of a fellow traveller on this earth who seeks authentic hope


For anyone who cares about where our food comes from and its impact on the planet Regenesis is essential reading. This deeply researched book lifts the lid on our current methods of food production and all its dirty secrets: but more than that it provides a blueprint for the future. Monbiot pursues the key question: how can we have healthy food that's cheap enough for everyone to eat? His answers provide critical pathways towards a way to feed the planet

Rosie Boycott

Forget Elon Musk's dry-as-dust retro sci-fi fantasies, George Monbiot gives us an inspiring vision of the future that is alive and kicking and grounded in the latest scientific discoveries. George Monbiot has combined his gifts as an investigator, interviewer and witty storyteller to create an exhiliarating epic!

Robert Newman

A fascinating and ultimately positive book ... a harmonic vision of how changing our relationship to land use, farming and the food that we eat could transform our lives

Thom Yorke

Всички характеристики

Категории Книги и учебници
Чуждоезикови книги
Наука, история, политика
Автор Джордж Монбайът
Издателство Penguin Books
Година 2023
Издание Мека корица
Брой страници 352
Вид продукт Изследвания
Жанрове Екология, Популярна наука
Оригинално име Regenesis
Език Английски
Националност Английска
Размер на продукта 12.6 x 19.6 x 1.9 cm
Баркод 9780141992990
ISBN 9780141992990
Връзка към GoodReads Виж
Размер на опаковката 12.6 x 19.6 x 1.9 cm
Каталожен номер BKHL17041
Тегло 0.26 kg


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