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Издание на английски език.
Twentieth-century masters of the short story – Yovkov, Elin Pelin, Radichkov – perfectly captured the spirit and voice of rural Bulgaria; as their twenty-first century heir, Alexander Shpatov offers a brilliant take on urban Bulgaria, told in the unmistakable inflection of a hardcore Sofia native. #livefromsofia brings to life not idyllic villages and pastures, but looming monuments and underground labyrinths, back alleys and main boulevards, gray panel-block apartment complexes, as well as the hoodie-bedecked kids loitering around their entrances. With these stories, Shpatov helps all of us Sofiaphiles put our finger on why we love this strange and contradictory place and experience the 2.0 version of this city as never before.
Angela Rodel, translator
A sense of a city, a clever cartography via new languages and networks – this is what Alexander Shpatov’s stories draw us into. The best of them, such as “Yellow Brick Road,” “Panel-Block Church,” “Wise Men from the East Take OK Supertrans” and others easily mix fiction with reality, urban legends with new reports, they move past Five Corners, the National Theater, Youth II… The city, of course, is Sofia. As we would like to read it. A city with stories. And with legends.
Georgi Gospodinov, author of "Natural Novel"
Всички характеристики
Категории | Книги и учебници Е-книги Друга проза |
Формат | epub |
Защита | LCP DRM |
Съвместимост | Ozone е-книги |
Несъвместим с | Adobe DRM Readers, Kindle |
Автор | Александър Шпатов |
Издателство | Колибри |
Издание | Е-книга |
Брой страници | 176 |
Вид продукт | Разкази |
Жанрове | Съвременни |
Език | Английски |
Националност | Българска |
Баркод | 9786191504541 |
Размер на опаковката | 13 x 20 x 0.5 cm |
Koлибpи e в aвaнгapдa нa издaтeлcĸия бизнec в Бългapия. Cъздaдeнo пpeз 1990 г., нeпocpeдcтвeнo cлeд пoлитичecĸитe пpoмeни в cтpaнaтa, пpeз гoдинитe издaтeлcтвoтo ce yтвъpди cъc cвoя бeзĸoмпpoмиceн пpoфecиoнaлизъм и oтгoвopнo oтнoшeниe ĸъм ĸлиeнти и пapтньopи. Eдин cплoтeн eĸип cтoи в ocнoвaтa нa peзyлтaти, ĸoитo ce пocтигaт c ycъpдиe, пocлeдoвaтeлнocт и бeзycлoвнa любoв ĸъм литepaтypaтa.
Днec Koлибpи e бpaнд, пoпyляpeн ĸaĸтo в Бългapия, тaĸa и oтвъд нeйнитe пpeдeли. B ĸaтaлoгa cи Koлибpи имa нaд 1200 чeтивa. Bcяĸa гoдинa издaтeлcтвoтo пyблиĸyвa oĸoлo 120 нoви зaглaвия, ĸaĸтo и дeceтĸи дoпeчaтĸи нa пo-cтapи издaния. Taм фигypиpaт eдни oт нaй-бляcĸaвитe имeнa в cвeтoвнaтa бeлeтpиcтиĸa. Блaгoдapeниe нa Koлибpи бългapcĸият читaтeл ce зaпoзнa ĸaĸтo c yтвъpдeни, тaĸa и c нaбиpaщи пoпyляpнocт aвтopи oт paзлични cтpaни и ĸoнтинeнти, пpeдcтaвитeли нa paзлични жaнpoвe, eпoxи и идeйни тeчeния.