Literary Places, Vol. 2 (Inspired Traveller's Guides)


SKU: BKFN0007972N

  • Автор: Сара Бакстър
  • Издателство: White Lion Publishing
  • Поредица: Inspired Traveller's Guides
  • Издание: Твърда корица
  • Брой страници: 144
  • Връзка към GoodReads: Виж
  • Промоции: Книги - 4 за 2

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Inspired Traveller's Guides: Literary Places takes you on an enlightening journey through the key locations of literature's best and brightest authors, movements and moments - brought to life through comprehensively researched text and stunning hand-drawn artwork.

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38,00 лв.
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Literary Places, Vol. 2 (Inspired Traveller's Guides)
Големина на книгата:
White Lion Publishing
Literary Places, Vol. 2 (Inspired Traveller's Guides)
38,00 лв.

Поредица Inspired Traveller's Guides

Пълно описание на продукта

Inspired Traveller's Guides: Literary Places takes you on an enlightening journey through the key locations of literature's best and brightest authors, movements and moments - brought to life through comprehensively researched text and stunning hand-drawn artwork.

Travel journalist Sarah Baxter provides comprehensive and atmospheric outlines of the history and culture of 25 literary places around the globe, as well as how they intersect with the lives of the authors and the works that make them significant. Full-page colour illustrations instantly transport you to each location. You'll find that these places are not just backdrops to the tales told, but characters in their own right.

Travel to the sun-scorched plains of Don Quixote's La Mancha, roam the wild Yorkshire moors with Cathy and Heathcliff or view Central Park through the eyes of J.D. Salinger's antihero. Explore the lush and languid backwaters of Arundhati Roy's Kerala, the imposing precipice of Joan Lindsay's Hanging Rock and the labyrinthine streets and sewers of Victor Hugo's Paris.

Featured locations:

  • Paris, Les Miserables;
  • Dublin, Ulysses;
  • Florence, A Room with a View;
  • Naples, My Brilliant Friend;
  • Berlin, Berlin Alexanderplatz;
  • Nordland, Growth of the Soil;
  • St Petersburg, Crime and Punishment;
  • Sierra de Guadarrama, For Whom the Bell Tolls;
  • La Mancha, Don Quixote;
  • Davos, The Magic Mountain;
  • Bath, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion;
  • London, Oliver Twist;
  • Yorkshire Moors, Wuthering Heights;
  • Cairo, Palace Walk;
  • Soweto, Burger's Daughter;
  • Kerala, The God of Small Things;
  • Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), The Quiet American;
  • Kabul, The Kite Runner;
  • Hanging Rock, Picnic at Hanging Rock;
  • New York, The Catcher in the Rye;
  • Monterey, Cannery Row;
  • Mississippi River, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn;
  • Monroeville, To Kill a Mockingbird;
  • Cartagena, Love in the Time of Cholera;
  • Chile, The House of the Spirits.

Delve into this book to discover some of the world's most fascinating literary places and the novels that celebrate them.

Each book in the Inspired Traveller's Guides series offers readers a fascinating, informative and charmingly illustrated guide to must-visit destinations round the globe. Also from this series, explore intriguing: Artistic Places (March 2021), Spiritual Places, Hidden Places and Mystical Places.

Всички характеристики

Категории Книги и учебници
Чуждоезикови книги
Изкуство, култура и биографии
Автор Сара Бакстър
Издателство White Lion Publishing
Година 2019
Издание Твърда корица
Брой страници 144
Вид продукт Пътеводители
Жанрове Туризъм
Оригинално име Literary Places, Vol. 2 (Inspired Traveller's Guides)
Език Английски
Националност Американска
Издание Илюстровано
Илюстрации Цветни
Художник Ейми Граймс
Баркод 9781781318102
ISBN 9781781318102
Връзка към GoodReads Виж
Промоции Книги - 4 за 2
Поредица Inspired Traveller's Guides
Размер на опаковката 22 x 2 x 15 cm
Тегло 0.4 kg


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