Just One Thing


SKU: BKFN0006283N


Dr Michael Mosley unearths a range of "Just One Things" whose impacts are so surprising and intriguing you will be desperate to try them out. He chats to experts, road tests all his tips and enlists some special guests to help you find that one small thing that could really make a difference to how you feel.

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If you were going to do just one thing to transform your health, what would it be?

We all want quick and easy ways to improve our health, but when it comes to diet, fitness and wellbeing it can be hard to separate the facts from the fads. And harder still to find changes that fit easily into our daily lives.

Based on the popular BBC podcast, "Just One Thing", this book brings to life Dr Mosley's mission to find things you can introduce into your daily routine which will have a big impact on your mental and physical health. Did you know that eating chocolate can help your heart, that singing can give you a natural 'high' and that having more house plants can improve your mood and boost your productivity?

Dr Michael Mosley unearths a range of "Just One Things" whose impacts are so surprising and intriguing you will be desperate to try them out. He chats to experts, road tests all his tips and enlists some special guests to help you find that one small thing that could really make a difference to how you feel.

Всички характеристики

Оригинално име Just One Thing
Език Английски
Националност Английска
Баркод 9781780725512
ISBN 9781780725512
Размер на опаковката 22 x 3 x 16 cm
Каталожен номер BKHL15760
Тегло 0.2 kg


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