Harley Quinn: Mad Love (DC Comics Novel)


SKU: BKGN0000217N


Оригинална адаптация за раждането на един от най-противоречивите и популярни комиксови суперзлодеи, създаван някога – неповторимата Харли Куин. Хроника за изгарящи желания, мания и лудост. / The definitive story of Harley Quinn, revealing the secrets of her history even as she seeks to kill Batman. A chronicle of obsession, burning desire, manic laughter, and the birth of one of the most controversial and popular comic book supervillains ever created.
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Поредицата DC Comics Novels представя адаптация на един от най-популярните графични романи с подписите на признати автори на ноар жанра. 

От момента, в който Харлийн Куинзел намира роза на бюрото си, до момента, в който поставя арлекинската си шапка, това е история на мания, изгарящи желания и лудост. 

Станете свидетели на раждането на един от най-противоречивите и популярни комиксови суперзлодеи, създаван някога – неповторимата Харли Куин

The definitive story of Harley Quinn by her co-creator, Paul Dini, and Pat Cadigan, revealing the secrets of her history even as she seeks to kill Batman 

When she was only seven years old, Harleen Quinzel witnessed her father being beaten up by thugs, and then arrested by the police. That night she ran away to the safest place she could think of: Coney Island amusement park. But there, pursued into the Funhouse by the men who brutalised her father, she beheld unimaginable horrors. 

Years later, Harleen has put her past behind her, and used her intelligence and ambition to escape her childhood of poverty with a career in psychiatry. Assigned to her first position at Arkham Hospital, she will discover, deep in the asylum, something dangerous and alluring, something quite unlike anything else she has ever known before: The Joker. Because why would you settle for love, when you could have MAD LOVE

From the moment that Harleen finds a rose on her desk, to the moment she dons her harlequin hat, this is the definitive story that chronicles the obsession, the burning desire, the manic laughter, and the birth of one of the most controversial and popular comic book supervillains ever created: Harley Quinn

♦  ♦  ♦

Paul Dini is best known as a producer and writer for series including Batman: The Animated Series, The New Batman/Superman Adventures, and Batman Beyond. He contributed scripts to Transformers and Animaniacs, and wrote and story edited for the adventure series Lost. He’s written for DC Comics titles including Harley Quinn and the graphic novel Dark Night: A True Batman Story. He’s won five Emmys, the Eisner, Harvey, and Annie awards.

Pat Cadigan is a science fiction, fantasy and horror writer, three-time winner of the Locus Award, twice winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award and one-time winner of the Hugo Award. She wrote the novelization of Alita: Battle Angel, and a prequel novel to the highly anticipated film, Iron City. She also wrote Lost in Space: Promised Land, novelizations of two episodes of The Twilight Zone, the Cellular novelization, and the novelization and sequel to Jason X.

Всички характеристики

Оригинално име Harley Quinn: Mad Love (DC Comics Novel)
Език Английски
Националност Английска
Издание Адаптирано
Размер на продукта 15.3 x 23.4 x 2 cm
Баркод 9781785658136
ISBN 9781785658136
Размер на опаковката 15.3 x 23.4 x 2 cm
Каталожен номер BKHL9056


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