Great British Aircraft (DVD+Book Set)


SKU: FMDD0001688


From the first aircraft they produced, to the impressive array of military aircraft and bombers and the incredible productions today the British have always played a very important role in the aeronautic industry.
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From the first aircraft they produced, to the impressive array of military aircraft and bombers and the incredible productions today the British have always played a very important role in the aeronautic industry. As early as 1912, British firm Vickers were experimenting with machine gun carrying aircraft and it was World War I when aircraft were used on such a large scale for the first time. Skip forward to World War II and we had produced incredible bomber planes such as the Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire.

1969 saw the first flight of Concorde, a turbojet-powered supersonic passenger airline enter service. It was developed by British Aircraft Corporation & Aérospatiale under an Anglo-French treaty. With the advances in technology, we are now in the designers golden age and witness the production of incredible engineering feats such as the Airbus A380, a double deck wide body four engine jet airliner jointly developed by European countries including the United Kingdom. (90 min) LITTLE BOOK OF GREAT BRITISH AIRCRAFT: Since AV Roe started building his first aircraft in 1907 at Brooklands in Surrey there have been great designers, engineers and test pilots whose combined skills have created some of the greatest aircraft the World has ever seen. In this book you will discover the work of RJ Mitchell, Henry Royce, Geoffrey de Havilland, Sir Frederick Handley Page, Harry Hawker, Teddy Petter, Tommy Sopwith, Sydney Camm, the Short Brothers and many more.

The aircraft they designed include the Spitfire, Hurricane, Lancaster, Mosquito, Sunderland, Tiger Moth, Halifax, Lightning, Vulcan, Viscount, Harrier and even Concorde. Whatever happens in the British aviation industry in the future it is these great people and their great aircraft that will be remembered and held up as examples of how to do it right. (144 pages)

Всички характеристики

Категории Книги и учебници
История, културология и публицистика
Носител DVD
Жанр Документален, Исторически
Аудитория B – Без ограничение в показа
Издание Колекционерско
Издател Independent
Цвят цветен
Език Английски
Общи Без български субтитри
Баркод 9781909768567
Език Английски
Размер на продукта 19.5 x 1.5 x 14 cm
Гаранция 0 месеца
Размер на опаковката 19.5 x 1.5 x 14 cm
Тегло 0.1 kg


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