Audrey Hepburn Collection (Blu-Ray)


SKU: FMBR0001170

  • Година на издаване: 2013


Three classic movies starring Audrey Hepburn
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Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)

Struggling writer Paul Varjak moves into a New York apartment building and becomes intrigued by his pretty, quirky neighbor Holly Golightly. Holly's lifestyle confuses and fascinates Paul; in public she flits through parties with a sexy, sophisticated air, but when they're alone she changes into a sweetly vulnerable bundle of neuroses.

Funny Face (1956)

Fashion photographer Dick Avery, in search for an intellectual backdrop for an air-headed model, expropriates a Greenwich Village bookstore. When the photo session is over the store is left in a shambles, much to salesgirl Jo Stockton's dismay. Avery stays behind to help her clean up. Later, he examines the photos taken there and sees Jo in the background of one shot. He is intrigued by her unique appearance, as is Maggie Prescott, the editor of a leading fashion magazine. They offer Jo a modeling contract, which she reluctantly accepts only because it includes a trip to Paris. Eventually, her snobbish attitude toward the job softens, and Jo begins to enjoy the work and the company of her handsome photographer.

Sabrina (1954)

Sabrina is the young daughter of the Larrabee family's chauffeur who has been in love with David Larrabee for all her life. David is very spoiled and crazy for women, and has been totally ignoring Sabrina for years. When Sabrina goes to Paris for a few years, she returns a very attractive and sophisticated woman, and David is quickly drawn to her. David's brother Linus sees this and fears that David's imminent wedding with a very rich woman may be endangered. If the wedding is canceled, so will a great corporate deal with the bride's family. So, Linus tries to keep Sabrina off his brother, and the best way to do so is by charming her himself.

Всички характеристики

Категории Музика и филми
Филми на Blu-Ray
Носител Blu-ray
Жанр Комедия, Драма, Романтични
Година на издаване 2013
Времетраене 308
Аудитория B – Без ограничение в показа
Вид продукт Филми на Blu-ray
Издание Колекционерско
Брой дискове 3
Издател Paramount Pictures
Цвят черно-бял
Език Английски
Субтитри Английски, Датски, Испански, Италиански, Немски, Норвежки, Фински, Френски, Нидерландски, Шведски
Общи Без български субтитри
Баркод 5051368250335
Език Английски
Размер на продукта 17.5 x 1.5 x 14.5 cm
Гаранция 0 месеца
Размер на опаковката 17.5 x 1.5 x 14.5 cm
Тегло 0.1 kg


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